★ ILLINOIS INSURANCE CENTER provides Auto Insurance, SR22 & Insurance Services Across All of Illinois ★
Free & Easy Insurance
Quotes to Save You Money
Instant Auto Insurance Coverage & ID Cards!
Illinois: (708) 524-4900
Chicago: (773) 288-8672
Have you been searching for an insurance company with the close personal touch and expert, extensive knowledge you need for a comprehensive policy? For over 40 years, Illinois Insurance Center has done just that for the Fox Lake and other surrounding communities. Give our office a call for more information about different options available to you or request a free home or auto insurance quote online now!
Are you looking for the most value at out of your money when investing in an auto insurance policy with high level customer service? Our insurance company are extremely fluent in all the options available to customize the right policy to protect you in any auto accident. Request a free car insurance quote today!
Do you have a major traffic offense on your driving record? If so, you may be issued a requirement for a SR-22 certification to submit into the DMV / BMV.
Do you own a home that is currently vacant or unoccupied for any reason? Request a free quote for vacant home insurance policies Illinois Insurance Center offers throughout the Fox Lake, IL area.
Illinois Insurance Center - Chicago (Marketing), by appointment only
2646 S Central Park Ave,
Chicago, IL 60623
Illinois Insurance Center - Hillside (Sales, Claims, Mail)
4410 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 100
Hillside, IL 60162-2056
Monday – Friday
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 5:30pm
Payments & Customer Service 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 2:00pm
Customer Service & Payments 9:00am – 2:00pm