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Winterizing motorcycles includes maintaining insurance coverage.
Jim loves his bike. He loves open air, multiple-day rides touring through the hill country. Every August he takes a ride for an event in Minnesota that starts a two-week vacation. By the time he gets home, football season is in full swing for his busy family of boys and ride time cuts way back. This means it’s time to begin to winterize his bike for storage.
He has a routine he goes through that protects the valves and cylinders from moisture and the gas tank from rusting. A smart tender is hooked to the battery to protect the charge. He makes sure there is plenty of antifreeze because his bike is stored in an insulated but unheated shed. The final step is to close up the tailpipe to keep rodents out.
Jim is going to break with one part of his routine this year though. Usually he calls his insurance company and cancels his coverage for the storage season. Last year was an unseasonably warm winter. Spring came with sudden “pops” of warm days here and there. They came with little warning and were gone the next day. If this season is a repeat, Jim wants the flexibility to be able to grab his bike and go, resting assured that he’s fully covered.
Advantages of Maintaining Coverage in Mid-West
Maybe you’re like Jim: a guy who owns his bike who has the option of cancelling coverage for the storage season. There are good reasons not to do this but one stands out above all the others: if you don’t own your bike outright, and have a loan against it, you should not cancel your coverage, even during the “off-season” for riding. You are required to carry coverage during the full term of your loan!
To repeat: If you have a loan on your motorcycle, you cannot cancel your coverage during the off season.
Cycle enthusiasts in Illinois have many options for getting the necessary coverage for their bikes or scooters.
Illinois Insurance Center is one of the Midwest's fastest growing and most progressive insurance agencies. We are a full service agency, representing many different carriers, providing all lines of insurance for your personal and business needs. Speaking to our professionals can help you customize the best option for you. Contact us for a no-obligation quote, and enjoy our professional services.
Illinois Insurance Center - Chicago (Marketing), by appointment only
2646 S Central Park Ave,
Chicago, IL 60623
Illinois Insurance Center - Hillside (Sales, Claims, Mail)
4410 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 100
Hillside, IL 60162-2056
Monday – Friday
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 5:30pm
Payments & Customer Service 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 2:00pm
Customer Service & Payments 9:00am – 2:00pm