★ ILLINOIS INSURANCE CENTER provides Auto Insurance, SR22 & Insurance Services Across All of Illinois ★
Free & Easy Insurance
Quotes to Save You Money
Instant Auto Insurance Coverage & ID Cards!
Illinois: (708) 524-4900
Chicago: (773) 288-8672
Illinois Insurance Center has proudly offered exceptional insurance policies for Bellwood, IL. Located in Cook County with an approximate population of 18,672 people. Whether you recently bought a new car or home in the area, our team has the knowledge, resources and customer service you have been searching for.
There are many different variables that take part in determining the rate of your auto insurance policy. The agents at our insurance agency are extremely knowledgeable with the different options. This experience provides our team the tools and resources help find the best coverage at affordable rates.
SR-22 Insurance policies are only provided by authorized insurance agencies such as Illinois Insurance Center. If you have had your license suspended or accumulated driving offenses on your record, SR-22 policies are an option for coverage, when regular auto insurance plans are hard to find.
Vacant home insurance is perfect for anyone in Bellwood, IL who is trying to sell a home that is being renovated or are not living in. Illinois Insurance Center can help you find the right insurance options for vacant and rehab homes.
Illinois Insurance Center - Chicago (Marketing), by appointment only
2646 S Central Park Ave,
Chicago, IL 60623
Illinois Insurance Center - Hillside (Sales, Claims, Mail)
4410 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 100
Hillside, IL 60162-2056
Monday – Friday
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 5:30pm
Payments & Customer Service 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 2:00pm
Customer Service & Payments 9:00am – 2:00pm