How To Save Money On Car Insurance - Reduce Coverage On Older Cars - High Mileage Cars Best Insurance Quote

websitebuilder • December 15, 2020
A Man Holding a Miniature House ā€” Chicago, IL ā€” Illinois Insurance Center

Are you looking for ways to save on your car insurance premiums?

Insurance is one area where “one size does not fit all”. Customizing your coverage is necessary to get the right amount of coverage for your specific situation. What you need may not be what the guy next door needs. So where can you examine your policy for places to save?

One area is the “over insured” vehicle. There comes a point with every car when it doesn’t make sense to pay for full coverage anymore. Your insurance company will try to measure the car’s worth in the event of total loss. Sometimes it can be difficult to decide if your car is at this point or not; a basic rule of thumb is that any car 10 years and older, or under $5,000 in value, may only need to be insured to the level the state requires for liability. A good agent will help determine this in light of relevant factors such as age and high mileage.

Multiple-car discounts are also available from most companies and can save you between 10 and 20% on your premiums. Keep in mind that these are for cars in the insured’s name, so if you are adding a child’s car to your policy, the car should be in the parent’s name in order to receive the discount. This is typically offered and calculated into computerized ratings for premium quotes now but don’t assume it’s been done. Check with your agent or look at your statement to make sure you’ve been granted the discounts that are available.

Other ways to save on the cost of coverage:

  • Your driving record matters! The cost of your coverage could go up by 40% after your first accident. Though not usually as high as when the accident was your fault, premiums also rise anytime you make a claim. Keep your record clean and pay less money. It’s that simple.
  • Comparison shop!! Having good credit and a good record can still result in high coverage when you just accept the first quote you’re given and sign on the dotted line. Surveys have shown that the number one reason people pay too much for car insurance is that they didn’t comparison shop for options. This can be a tedious chore if you are trying to do it on your own, which is probably why a lot of people skip it. A good remedy is to work with an experienced agent who can access many companies at once and customize your coverage for the best price available.
  • Maintain good credit! Studies have shown that those with a history of poor credit are more likely to make a claim on their insurance policy. Because of this, some insurers will pull your credit report before writing your policy. This determines your “insurance risk score”. Paying on time has more benefit than just avoiding late fees!

It makes little sense to pay more for car insurance than is necessary. You do have options. Work with an experienced, independent insurance agent who can access many companies at once. This enables them to customize your policy to fit your specific criteria. It will save you time, aggravation, and money you can happily spend on other things. Illinois Insurance Center is one of the Midwest's fastest growing and most progressive insurance agencies. We are a full service agency, representing many different carriers, providing all lines of insurance for your personal and business needs. We do the comparisons for you! To get more information or to speak with an agent, visit or call (708) 776-2260. 

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