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Illinois requires insurance if you own a vehicle. If you're wise, you don't want just any coverage, either — you want to make sure you have what you need no matter what happens, especially if you live in a city, like Chicago, where accidents are common. Keep these questions in mind next time you choose a car insurance policy.
What's Your Current Coverage?
Evaluating what you paid the previous year can help you get an idea of what might be reasonable charges for insurance. You'll also be able to think through what you've needed to cover during this time and whether your current policies have given you what you needed. As you go through your insurance search, you'll have a number to beat and an idea of what you need.
How Much Do You Need?
At the very least, you need the basic coverage required to keep you from incurring fines. For example, in Illinois, you must have vehicle liability insurance that covers at least $25,000 for a single injury or death, $50,000 for multiple injuries or deaths, and $20,000 for damage to someone else's property.
If you believe you might need other coverage, such as collision insurance, personal injury protection, or uninsured motorist insurance, then you should look for policies that offer what you need. Bundling your insurance coverage can give you benefits in some cases, so don't be afraid to talk to the agents as you shop for insurance and see where they can help you save money.
How's Your Driving?
Your insurance agents will need to know the truth about your driving record to give you the coverage you need, so keep your history in mind as you look through your options. Your driving record, past tickets, and prior accidents can change your rates drastically, so be honest with yourself and your insurance options as you conduct your search.
Don't just think about your propensity for accidents as you seek coverage though. You may be a fantastic driver, but if you live in an urban area with a lot of collisions or a rural area where deer are likely to leap in front of you, you'll want to find a policy that will cover you. Don't count on the rest of the world to look out for your car; make sure you have the coverage you need for the place you live and drive.
What Risks Do You Face?
You're already thinking about collisions that aren't your fault, like hitting a deer or another vehicle colliding with yours, but let's take it a step further. Even if you think you're pretty safe from impacts and your car will survive significant amounts of force, you should think about the types of crime that might affect your vehicle or the valuables that may be inside.
For example, you might not have a lot of drivers on the streets, but you live in an area where vandalism is common. Alternatively, you might live on a decent side of town but work somewhere that frequently gets car break-ins. Either way, you'll need more than collision coverage to account for the types of problems you may experience, so look for a comprehensive plan that will cover you if your vehicle suffers such damage.
Whatever your insurance needs, from simple auto coverage up to business auto insurance, Illinois Insurance Center can help you find what you need in Chicago, IL. Get in touch today to find out how the comprehensive and affordable insurance solutions we offer can help you feel financially secure.
Illinois Insurance Center - Chicago (Marketing), by appointment only
2646 S Central Park Ave,
Chicago, IL 60623
Illinois Insurance Center - Hillside (Sales, Claims, Mail)
4410 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 100
Hillside, IL 60162-2056
Monday – Friday
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 5:30pm
Payments & Customer Service 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 2:00pm
Customer Service & Payments 9:00am – 2:00pm