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Car shopping? Make sure you aren’t going to pay higher insurance costs ahead of time.
What do you look for when shopping for a car? Common criteria might include how many passengers it sits, how many doors, the color, the music features, and the fuel mileage. You may think a good order is to: decide on a make and model, shop, make the deal, and then get insurance. But if you consider tweaking that order, you could potentially save yourself a lot of money on car insurance premiums.
One of the best ways to save on car insurance is in your choice of car. Most people realize that if they purchase a motorcycle or high performance sports car they will be paying higher insurance premiums than if they’d bought a four door sedan. But sometimes the distinctions are not so extreme. The type of car you drive has a huge impact on premiums. When shopping, get a quote before you buy a car.
How do insurance companies rate the cars they insure?
The Insurance Services Office (ISO) rates each make and model according to the liability history, top speed, theft risk, accident frequency, and other distinctive features such as the safety details built into the car. Cars with high performance engines or a high theft risk will carry higher symbol, which means they require higher physical damage coverage.
While sports cars and high performance cars will obviously cost more, some vehicles may be surprising. Many pick-ups are built with high performance engines. Some trucks are so heavy duty that they may require a commercial package. “4 x4’s”, such as Jeeps, SUV’s, and off-road vehicles will generally cost more to insure than non-4x4 vehicles.
The demographic of the driver is also something to consider when choosing a vehicle. A young driver in a Jeep is a bit of the quintessential American image. From an insurance standpoint, it’s also an extremely expensive scenario. Because of the gas crisis, many have sold or are seeking to sell their heavy-duty vehicles and there are some great deals to be found. But here again it will benefit you to call your insurance agent or company first. The larger pick-ups are classified for different use and commercial insurance can be very expensive for the private owner.
Most Importantly, comparison shopping is the number one way to save!
Surveys have shown that the number one reason people pay too much for car insurance is that they failed to comparison shop (shop around). Get the best deal and customized coverage that meets your needs by letting an expert do the shopping. Working with the right insurance agent saves time, money, and headache. Illinois Insurance Center is one of the Midwest's fastest growing and most progressive insurance agencies. We are a full service agency, representing many different carriers, providing all lines of insurance for your personal and business needs. We do the comparisons for you! Speaking to our professionals can help you customize the best option for you. To get more information, visit www.ilinsurancecenter.com or call 708 580-7146.
Illinois Insurance Center - Chicago (Marketing), by appointment only
2646 S Central Park Ave,
Chicago, IL 60623
Illinois Insurance Center - Hillside (Sales, Claims, Mail)
4410 W. Roosevelt Rd.
Suite 100
Hillside, IL 60162-2056
Monday – Friday
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 5:30pm
Payments & Customer Service 9:00am – 6:00pm
Sales & Renewals 9:00am – 2:00pm
Customer Service & Payments 9:00am – 2:00pm